On December 26, the Board provided the procedure for Recycling and/or disposing of your Holiday Décor —> HERE

The Association’s Annual lnsurance Disclosure statement can be found by clicking —> HERE

On November 23, the Board provided Advice on Rodent Control.

From the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito Vector Control District…

We have a Rodent Program

Program objectives:

This program strives to provide residents with the knowledge necessary to prevent/manage rodent infestations and prevent the spread of diseases associated with rodents.    

Free services available:

  • Residents may call 1.707.285.2200 for advice about rodent issues or to schedule a free inspection of their residence.

  • Presentations are available free of charge for neighborhoods/associations that want to learn more about how to prevent/manage rodent infestations. Clickhere to request a presentation.

 Useful links:

MSMVCD Rats page

  • Information about the identification, life cycle, habitat, impact and control of rats

CDC Rodents

  • Information about excluding, trapping and cleaning up after rodents

  • Information about various diseases spread by rodents

UC IPM Pest Notes: Rats

  • Integrated pest management of rats in the home and landscapeScope of program:

The District provides the public with information about rodent management and encourages residents to adopt an integrated approach to rodent control that results in better long term management of the rodent population. This approach includes:

  • Recognizing an infestation and identifying the pest that is present

  • Adopting practices that reduce the harborage, food and water sources available to rodents

  • Excluding or "rodent-proofing" buildings (interior and exterior)

  • Trapping rodents (when necessary)

  • Cleaning up messes associated with rodents

The District provides free rodent inspections to residents of Marin and Sonoma counties. During these inspections, District staff attempt to locate rodent entry points to structures, identify sources of harborage, identify the rodent species that are present, and provide recommendations to residents about how to make their property less attractive to rodents.

Our vector control technicians do not trap, poison, remove dead rodents, or do exclusion work.

On October 4th, the Board send a letter from our Insurance Agent

Click HERE to view.

Owners have been sent, by USPS, two documents. The ‘First Amendment’ to the CC&Rs and the new ‘Fine Policy’
These two documents have been approved by the Board on Aug 27, 2024. They will be adopted on Sep 25th. Click here to see a copy of the USPS mailing.

On October 3rd, our Property Manager sent…

San Marin Valley Association

 Below are amendments to the vehicle section of the Rules & Regulations.  The Additions are in Bold Face Type and the removed rule has a line through it.

The rule changes listed below will be adopted at the October Board Meeting. 

2.04    Parking is permitted in designated areas only.  Parking is NEVER PERMITTED along red curb zones (fire lanes) or on sidewalks.  Tandem (double) parking is NOT permitted.  Further, no vehicle shall be parked in such a manner that it obstructs other residents’ garages, or their access to their garages, or assigned parking space.  Violators are subject to tow without warning.

              a. Vehicles parked in posted No Parking zones during prohibited times/days (Ex.: Pool Parking sign) are subject to IMMEDIATE towing.

 2.05  Parking spaces are to be used for motor vehicles only.  Open parking spaces shall not be used for vehicle storage.  Vehicles or other property parked continuously in an open space for a period of seventy-two (72) hours or longer may be tagged and subject to towing at the owner’s expense.  Fines will be levied for repeat offenders.

                    a. A repeat offender is defined as a vehicle that has been tagged 3 or more times in a 4-month period for violating the 72-hour limit.

                    b. Repeat offenders will be subject to a hearing and fines. 

2.08   Designated VISITOR parking areas are to remain open for use by visitors only and are NOT to be used by or other residents either permanently or temporally, except from the hours of 9pm to 8am when residents may use visitor spots.

2.08    A person shall not be considered a “visitor” if he or she is a regular overnight visitor of a resident.  Designated OPEN parking areas are to remain open for use by visitors, and for residents who have utilized their garage and parking space first.  Homeowners and tenants who violate 3 or more times in a 4-month time period the use of open spaces without using their garage and parking space first, are considered “repeat offenders” and shall be subject to hearings and fines.

2.14  Homeowners may request a “Parking Limit Exemption” to park their operable, registered vehicle in an open space for longer than 72 hours. 

          a. Request must be approved by the Property Manager.

          b. Permit must be displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle.

          c. Parking Limit Exemptions shall be granted no more than two time  per calendar year.

          d. Parking Limit Exemptions shall be granted for no longer than 15 days, unless extenuating circumstances are pre-approved.

On September 9th, the Board sent…


The hot topic for the HOA at our upcoming meeting is what to do to mitigate the HOA Insurance renewal effective the end of this month. The Insurance Premium increase is about $43,000 annually.

There are options that the Board will consider. Options 2 and 3 will require a change to the CCRs and a homeowner vote:

  1. Raise the HOA deductible from $25,000 to $50,000

    1. This saves about $12,000 off the $43,000 increase

  2. Change the HOA policy from Walls in to Walls out

    1. This saves about $27,000 off the $43,000 increase

  3. Change the deductible from $25,000 to $50,000 and change to Walls Out coverage

    1. This saves about $39,000 off the $43,000 increase.

If the HOA decides to switch to Walls Out Coverage:  All Homeowners are encouraged to contact their Homeowners Insurance agent to find out what an increase in their own "building coverage" (also know as dwelling coverage or similar) would be if the HOA switches from Walls In, which is very comprehensive coverage that covers all kinds of things inside a unit like appliances, flooring and paint and such (but not your personal property like clothing and jewelry and such), to Walls Out coverage (generally defined as the sheetrock to the outside walls).

On September 27th, the Board sent…


A few items from the last meeting that require some attention from Homeowners:

  1. Please clean up after your dog and take the little bag with you back to your garbage can!  

    1. There is NO service that picks up your pet's poop or the little bags that some are leaving on the sidewalks! 

    2. Landlords, please remind your tenants with pets to clean up 

  2. Due to recent car thefts in the neighborhood, residents are advised to store their car fobs out of range of RFID scanners that allow the thief to access your vehicle and drive it away. 

    1. There are RFID packets which can protect against RFID theft and they work for your credit cards as well. 

  3. The pool remains open until October 31st, and please behave courteously and appropriately.  Keep volume low, be respectful of others in the pool, clean up after yourselves, and remember the pool is for homeowners, tenants and their guests. 

    1. The POOL is not to be accessed by folks who have jumped the fence!

      1. If you have lost your key, please contact our property manager.   Or send an email here and we'll forward it to the PM

  4. The HOA has adopted a new Parking Rule: Read it here:  Parking+Regulations.pdf (squarespace.com)

  5. The HOA has updated the fine policy. Read it here: Schedule of Fines.pdf - Google Drive

All rules, forms, CCRs, etc can be found on our website. 

Visit https://www.sanmarinvalleyhoa.org for Rules, Updates, Notices and more!