These are the governing statutes and documents of our Association.

The Board is guided by the ‘Davis-Sterling Act’. its CC&R’s and its ‘Rules and Regulations’. These are available by topic and can be seen by clicking on the topic’s associated BUTTONS.

The ‘Davis-Sterling Act’. This is the State statute governing the Association and its Board. The Act can be found by clicking —> HERE

The CC&Rs - Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions [Recorded March 2, 2020]. (Click HERE to view)

The ‘First Amendment to the CC&R’s (Click HERE to view)

The BYLAWS of the San Marin Valley Association (Click HERE to view)

The Board has published Rules and Regulations, which supplement the provisions of the CC&R’s, regulate the use of units and common areas? (Click HERE to view)

Additional Rules…

The Board has adopted a new rule addressing General Requirements for Window Treatments (Window Coverings). This rule can be found by clicking —> HERE

Rules for the storage of Trash Cans. This rule can be found —> HERE

The Board has published specific PARKING regulations. Click —> HERE to see the regulations.

The Board has published a rule covering the use of ‘Sunshades’ (Click here to view)


The Associations Voting Policy. (Click here to view)

The new ‘Fine Policy’ (Click here to view)